About Us

Building A Boss Academy was originally created as a Facebook group a little over a year ago by a 22 year old entrepreneur named Sierra! My business is Pretty Paid & Plugged! I created the academy because I wanted to have a positive, fun group for all of the bosses to come together and learn from one another! I also have always loved to help other people, so having a platform that I can really help people grow their business and connect is something I really enjoy spending time doing! 


Over time the group really began to expand, from having posts maybe twice a week, to multiple a day and over 13,000 members! I decided it was time to make a website so that I could expand this brand as well as my other one! Our group is full of female bosses that want to better their brands! The group is very helpful and I’ve been lucky to help over 100+ people better their business in some way! Join us on Facebook @BUILDINGABOSSACADEMY